Sunday, 20 April 2014

1st night camping on the plot

We just had a real fun whirlwind camping trip in Greyton for the Easter weekend.

We rammed all our camping gear into the car and headed out, first spending a day with the cousins Luyckx from Oz and then a lovelly evening with the folks in Somerset West.

In all the times we've been to Greyton I've never been to the market - which is a pretty cool market. Our first stop was to buy some organic eggs and some veggie seeds. Here's Erin at the market :)

After that we set up camp on our freshly mowed wonderful plot. We cleared a small place to dig a hole for the fire. The earth looks really dark and fertile :) Can't wait to grow things in it. Kath noticed that we've actually got 2 big lemon trees, and they're both bursting with fruit. 

Being Easter, it seemed the whole town was full to the brim. All the guesthouses at lots of cars outside and all our neighbours seemed to be around. But our plot is in a very quiet spot and is very private - love it.

I was a bit nervous making a fire with all the dry cuttings everywhere - but we filled a bucket from the leiwater - and all was well.

I took the kids up the mountain while Kath had a nap. There are so many routes and we're going to have a blast exploring these mountains. We went up a path that gave us amazing views over Greyton. We found a kloof to explore, but the path looked a little overgrown and we turned back. Ben and I will go up there sometime soon. We saw a huge waterfall up there.

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